To celebrate the release of the Blu-ray of Happy Around!'s 1st LIVE ”Happiness to all♪”,
Yuka Nishio as Rinku Aimoto, Karin Kagami as Maho Akashi, Haruka Mimura as Muni Ohnaruto and Kanon Shizaki as Rei Togetsu gave their comments for us!

■Blu-ray Information
【Blu-ray Jacket】

【Release Date】
December 8, 2021


【Product No.】

DISC1:Happy Around! 1st LIVE Happiness to all♪-DAY-
DISC2:Happy Around! 1st LIVE Happiness to all♪-NIGHT- 

【Enclosed Bonus】
Live photo booklet

【The Special Benefits enclosed in the First Edition】
・D4DJ Groovy Mix item serial code (10-round gacha ticket 2022 x 1)
※Expiration date: Friday, September 30, 2022, 23:59
・Original Artist Card
・Advance lottery tickets for Happy Around! 3rd LIVE (tentative)

【Blu-ray Details(JPN)】